So what's in a good review?
1. Name of Book
2. Name of Author and Illustrator
3. Tell us a little bit about what happens in the story, but not too much! (You shouldn't tell us any surprise endings, and you probably don't need to tell us that Great Uncle Fitzgibbon's favourite pet budgie was called Gertrude.)
Then, tell us about what you thought. Why was it so good (or why was it bad)? Was there lots of action, or were the characters very real? Did you like the way it was written? Did it make you laugh, or cry, or was it really serious? What did you learn? If you didn't enjoy it, was there anything you liked?
You don't have to write heaps, but we do like hear your opinion, so don't forget that!
Any further question please see Mrs Rolton as soon as possible! :-)